Green anise is used for its digestive properties. This plant has soothing effects on the digestive system, but is also effective against coughs or to fight against cold symptoms.
Medicinal properties of green anise
Internal use
Soothes digestive disorders; antibacterial; beaker; expectorant; galactagogue; stomachic; antispasmodic; stimulating and carminative.
External use
Usual therapeutic indications
Treats bloating, difficult digestions, aerocoly, referrals; calms dry coughs; stimulates appetite; helps fight fatigue; promotes expectoration; decreases aerophagia, vomiting and nausea; increases milk secretion.
The essential oil is used in cases of irregular periods, amenorrhea, menstrual disorders, dyspepsia, spasmodic colitis, aerophagia, indigestion. It also comes in the treatment of asthmatic bronchitis, pulmonary congestion, lower back pain.
Composition of green anise
Parts used
Seeds and essential oil.
Active subtances
Sesquiterpenes, phenolic acids, furocoumarins, essential oil based on anethole, sugars, starch, flavonoids, resin, malic acid.
Use and dosage of green anise
In herbal tea: infuse 3 g of dried seeds in 150 ml of simmering water. Drink 1 cup, three times a day. In case of digestive disorders, drink 1 cup, thirty minutes before meals.
Dried seeds: take a spoonful of seeds after the meal, to promote digestion and reduce digestive disorders.
Precautions for use of green anise
Some people may be allergic to green anise or anethole.
Green anise is contraindicated for pregnant women and people with asthma. Anethole can pass into milk, so women who are breastfeeding should seek advice from their doctor. Green anise is also not recommended for children under the age of twelve.
Side effects
Green anise can cause allergic, skin or respiratory reactions. An overdose of essential oil can cause nausea, vomiting, seizures, and even lung edema.
Interactions with medicinal plants or supplements
No known interaction.
Drug interactions
It is not recommended to consume green anise in parallel with an anticoagulant treatment.
Data sheet