Basilic Ocimun

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Basil is an aromatic plant commonly used in Mediterranean or Asian cuisine. If basil is widely used to flavor dishes, it is also a medicinal plant with multiple virtues.


Medicinal properties of basil

Internal use

  • Antioxidant, basil delays cellular aging and prevents the appearance of cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers.
  • Digestive tonic, it treats bloating, indigestion or heartburn.
  • Febrifuge and stimulant, it reduces fever, feverish states and fatigue.
  • Antispasmodic, it soothes nausea, vomiting, digestive and gastrointestinal spasms

External use

  • Tonic and analgesic, it reduces cramps, muscle pain and states of muscle fatigue.
  • Antispasmodic, it reduces painful menstruation.

Usual therapeutic indications

Digestive disorders, sore throats, coughs, colds. Basil is a source of vitamin A (antioxidant), vitamin C (tonic) and minerals (phosphorus, calcium, etc.), useful for the development of bone tissue.

Other proven therapeutic indications

Used in gargles, basil treats oral infections. In poultices on the skin, it reduces itching. In herbal tea and consumed after a hearty meal, basil is digestive and calming. Drinking an infusion of basil at bedtime promotes sleep.


Data sheet

Scientific name
Common names
Botanical classification
Forms and preparations